surven-snacks · 2 years ago
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I just wanted to let you know that your homeroom teacher's got your back!
That thing where teachers know when a student has a thing for another student but make it so they're betting on who confesses first aljshdkuaheukfdnsja
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this is part 3!
Part 1 | Part 2
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cellard20 · 2 years ago
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Pokemon Scarlet & Violet really went hard on the hot not teenage women genre this generation and I am here for it.
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taffybuns · 2 years ago
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assorted bag of sv thoughts
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phopollo · 6 months ago
I'll be so fr for a second--- when the hidden treasures of area zero trailers came out, the first time I saw Carmine and Kieran, u was so sure that they were going to be Dendra's niblings and you were going to be introduced to all the dlc stuff because her niblings came to visit and was going to be worried about them making friends and so would ask you the player character to hang around them a bit, and I was devastated when they weren't and that's not how it happened
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They would have been so silly
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desnaa · 2 years ago
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Pokémon SV Academy Staff + Terastallizing
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hothotmiso · 3 months ago
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joeemaru · 2 months ago
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this is what i do during class everyday
i should post here more i only ever post stuff on tiktok..
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kindykotik · 2 years ago
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Allow me these
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bug-catcher-silva · 2 years ago
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Why'd they go and make all the professors so ding dang CUTE (or fine in some cases)
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saccharinescorpion · 10 months ago
Tulip with Iono: noooo sweetie no self-deprecating :( self-love <3 good vibes only <3 hydrate <3
Tulip with every other woman she interacts with: i am going to create the most toxic yuri polycule the Pokemon series has ever seen and i will create it with my bare hands if i have to
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warden-melli · 1 year ago
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jadeazora · 4 months ago
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Here's today's clean arts from the TCG Instagram! That one of Rika 😮
We also got the Link line from Stellar Miracle!
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ghostatrandom · 2 years ago
I don't think I have to "read more" this drawings, they are not really spoilers about the story, I will tag it tho
This game has some of my favorite gimmicks ever: optional character interaction.
Like I never expected the teachers to be some of my favorite characters??? But they are amazing??? I love them and their struggles of their everyday life???
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The great fandom council says the old men ship is EPHEMERALARTSHIPPING which I love <3
But it hasn't decided on a Drenda and Miriam name so I suggest HEALTHYSANDWICHSHIPPING because it's a sandwich that when its well done doesn’t kill people yaay
consider supporting me on my KO FI
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eggtempest · 2 years ago
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shoutout to women....gotta be one of my favorite genders
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poke-imagines · 2 years ago
(Pokemon SV) Love Languages
Professor Sada and Turo - Gift Giving
It sure ain’t quality time- Normally the professors are too into their projects to really acknowledge anything else, but if they have time they like to give you gifts. Usually they get you stuffed animals and clothes, but occassionally they will let you foster a pokemon from a different time period. It helps keep you company while they are gone. After being together for a certain period of time, they will even give you a special device that lets you talk to an AI of them, that way you aren’t as lonely
Clavell - Words of Affirmation
Clavell is very old fashioned when it comes to love. I’m talking chocolates, candlelit dinners, all that jazz. But his absolute favorite thing to do is use his words. He loves to just tell you how much he loves you as often as possible, so that you never forget. Any little thing you do will be met with appreciation. Clavell is so used to this that he has accidentally done this while you were both working a few times (gaining a lot of hoots and hollers from students)
Jacq - Physical Touch
Jacq is a simple man, cuddling is the way to his heart. He loves nothing more than to come home from work and fall into your arms on the couch. The warmth from you is the best feeling in the world, especially during winter. The more skin touching the better in his opinion. When you can’t cuddle, he loves just doing soft PDA like holding hands and kissing your cheeks. Also, Jacq tends to sleep in a bit (not on purpose usually) and is definitely the type to hold you in bed and beg you to just stay. Just 5 more minutes!
Miriam - Words of Affirmation
Miriam is naturally pretty confident about most things, but knows how it feels to not be. Her whole ordeal with becoming a Health Teacher highlighted her troubles with it. So she loves to shower you with not only affection and appreciation, but also encouragment. Sometimes she will bring up things you’ve forgotton about. No matter what you do or pursue in life, Miriam will be behind you cheering you the whole way! 
Tyme - Quality Tyme
Pun aside, Tyme really enjoys doing different activites with you. She will often look online and ask friends about couple activities you two can do together. Some of her favorite things to do with you are cooking, yoga, and nature walks. If you have any suggestions she is ALWAYS open for new things! As long as  you are doing it together she’s fine. Also, work can get overwhelming for her so spending some quality time with you always mellows her out. She dreads leaving for work everyday, but anticipates getting home to you
Raifort - Words of Affirmation
One thing that Raifort prioritizes in life is verbal communication. Especially when it comes to your passions in life. Having someone listen to and be interested in her rants about history makes her feel on top of the world. So whenever you infodump or just get super passionate she listens intently. Raifort will always listen to you and give you advice, and of course just... well, listen! She likes to bring up your previous conversations and compliment you on how in depth you were, or how interesting you made them sound. Communication is her best way of loving you
Salvatore - Words of Affirmation
As a language teacher, he expresses everything through words. He will string together beautiful sentences just describing how much he loves you. As he tells in his class, it’s important to tell others how you feel and how you care. So he’ll always vocalize his appreciation for whatever you do! Salvatore also enjoys mixing in different languages as a special treat (especially if you love how he sounds when he does)
Dendra - Physical Touch
As both a gym teacher and a physical trainer, Dendra adores physical touch! She loves holding you and touching you and everything inbetween. Her favorite thing to do is exercise with you and do couple activities. Unlike most, her touches are more rough, but in a comforting way. You can always count on her to be sturdy and strong. No matter what happens, she will always be there to catch you or pull you up into a tight hug
Hassel - Words of Affirmation
Oh my fucking god this man won’t SHUT UP (affectionate). No matter what you do he is ready to talk your ear off. Do something well? Expect a rush of compliments and praise. Feel sad or insecure? Expect a rant about how you are as strong as a dragon and shouldn’t give up! It can be a bit... much, but it comes from a place of love and adoration. When he isn’t going on full rants, Hassel also enjoys just simply telling you he loves you. Especially when you are cuddling, he loves hitting you with those 3 words softly
Saguaro - Acts of Service
Saguaro will do pretty much anything for you. Cooking meals? Patching holes in your clothing? Doing the laundry? Giving you a deep massage? This man is on it! He even makes sure to pack you lunch every day. You may feel bad, but he assures you he is doing this of his own volition. Saguaro loves to do things for you as a way of expressing his love. All he wants is for you to be comfy, relaxed, and happy! Sometimes when you come home from a long day, you’ll see a set of fresh clothes on the bed and a bath ready for you (you could get him to join you if you convince him~)
Arven - Quality Time
After being neglected for his entire childhood, Arven really appreciates someone who will just be with him of their own will. If someone goes to his dorm/house on purpose just to spend time with him? He might cry. It is one of the main pillars in his mind for a good relationship, and extends the same priorities to you. The moment you ask him to come over he is already halfway there, sandwich in hand. Arven obviously loves to cook together (even teach you if you ask) but he also loves to read manga together. He may have his issues, but just make sure to be there for him, he will be thankful for the rest of his life
Nemona - Pokemon Battling Quality Time
We all know how clingy Nemona is, and when you start dating it just gets WORSE. She will barely leave your side and will always want to do things with you. She just loves spending time with you she loves you so much!! Spending time together is incredibly important to her, it really makes her feel like you love her. If you tell her to back off she will, but you can expect lots of pouting and lots of hugs when you see her next. And don’t get me started on Pokemon Battling...
Penny - Quality Time
Penny is very introverted and doesn’t really like most things that go into a relationship. She isn’t one for physical contact, she doesn’t like gifts, she’s socially awkward so she can’t express herself, and doing things for her don’t mean much. The one thing that she surprisingly enjoys the most is quality time. After being a recluse for so long she never thought she would want to spend time with someone else, but after meeting you it changed. Penny knows she can be a bit withdrawn, but a good way to know she cares is if she just stays in the same room as you (kind of like a cat). Playing games in comfortable silence or watching an anime together is her favorite way to spend time together (she will need to recharge afterwards, but genuinely enjoys what you do together)
Giacomo - Words of Affirmation
Giacomo may love holding you close, but his favorite way to show his love is by showing his appreciation as often as possible. He never got much appreciation in his life, especially during his run of student council president. It felt awful, so he wants to make sure you never feel like that. He loves to have your input on his songs, and will always thank you profusely for your help, often times adding a special credit in the description. Giacomo loves to shower you in praise, but if you do the same to him? He’s putty in your hands, he will do basically anything for you
Mela - Quality Time
Mela has a hard time keeping relationships. Being bullied has made her hard and cold, but the way to melt her heart is to just... be there for her. She’ll be difficult at first, but eventually she will get emotional once she realizes how long you’ve stayed by her side. It means the world that despite her stubborness you stuck by. And this is also how she shows love to you. She doesn’t know what to do in relationships, so she likes to just spend time with you. Often times she just prefers sitting in comfortable silence watching a movie, that’s the dream. And maybe you could convince her to hold your hand every now and then
Atticus - Gifts
Even before you got together Atticus gave you tons of gifts. It’s his favorite way to show he cares, both romantically and platonically (just ask the rest of Team Star). He always listens very carefully when you talk, always taking notes when you mention something you desire. His specialty is sewing custom clothes for you, but he will also just buy small accessories he found in stores that he thought would look cute on you. If he’s feeling especially romantic, he will even write eloquent poems for you 
Ortega - Gifts
I mean... is this even a question? He’s a spoiled lil rich boy, of course he will shower you with gifts! It doesn’t even have to be a special occassion, sometimes he just surprises you with a gift randomly. It may seem like he’s just materialistic, but everything he buys you has a reason. You once broke a shoe so now he bought you 30 pairs, you like tea so he bought you a gold-plated fancy tea set, you like monkeys so he bought you a zoo. It is definitely a lot, but that’s just how Ortega shows how much he loves you. He wants to spend his money on you, in his eyes you deserve the world
Eri - Acts of Service
Eri is already well known to be a defender for her friends, but with you she is on high alert. You are so special, you can’t do anything that may hurt you! She’ll help you with whatever you are doing, sometimes doing it for you before hand. Eri doesn’t want you to burn your hand cooking so why not do it herself! She loves to do things for you, big or small, no questions asked. It’s the best way to show love in her eyes. Sometimes you may need to remind her to just relax and sit down for a few minutes, but rest assured she will be back up in no time
Katy - Acts of Service
While Katy loves to give you pastries as gifts, she mostly enjoys doing things for you in general. Whenever you forget your lunch she will happily cook it for you. If you have plants she will always water them and keep them healthy. Scared of bugs and you have a giant Spidops in your house? She’ll help take it outside (while also teasing you a bit). Katy will even train your pokemon if you don’t have the time to do it yourself. Seeing your smile when you see the special macarons she put in your lunch makes her heart so full and warm
Brassius - Gifts
As an artist, Brassius shows his love thought his work. You are the perfect inspiration, the golden ratio of subjects! Everytime he looks at you he gets new ideas and inspirations for art projects. And any gifts he creates for you have special meaning behind them. Paintings of the place of your first date, a casting of your hands holding each other, even just origami of your favorite flowers. Brassius will always create things for you, purely out of love and adoration
Iono - Quality Time
Being a streamer, Iono spends a LOT of time online. It’s her job she kinda doesn’t have a choice. So when you got together she felt conflicted on what to do. Whenever she isn’t streaming she loves to just hang out with and go on dates, but what about all the other times? Well, she’ll just bring you on stream! In her mind she has the best of both worlds. She can spend her day with her beloved and still get those sweet sweet views, baby. But trust her when she says she isn’t doing it just for the clout, she just really likes you a whole lot
Kofu - Acts of Service
Even thought Kofu is pretty much every love language rolled into one, his favorite way to show love is acts of service! He loves to make you the best seafood dishes known in town, always using the best ingredients. No less for his partner! He’ll also do shopping for you every week (as long as he doesn’t forget his wallet on the way). Even little things like cleaning out the fridge he will happily do. Although he mainly does acts of service, don’t think Kofu doesn’t love all the other languages! Give him a hug god dammit!!
Larry - Physical Touch
Larry is a simple man, and is the same when it comes to love. He says he loves you and buys you flowers, but those just feel like basic requirements. Not to say he doesn’t mean well, but to him, true love comes with contact. He’s not good with words, so instead he touches you. He hugs you from behind while you work, he holds your hand constantly, places his hand on your lower back, stuff like that. He may not say it often, but when he touches you ever so gently, you know he loves you
Ryme - Words of Affirmation
Ryme is a rapper, words and speaking her mind are kind of her thing. No matter what you do, she will always make sure to properly thank you and express her gratitude. Even if you just make some scrambled eggs for her she will never forget to thank you. Ryme wants you to know that she adores everything you do, and she loves you is so many ways. When she isn’t telling you straight out that she appreciates you, Ryme will write several raps about it and perform them for you
Tulip - Quality Time
Being a makeup artist and a gym leader doesn’t give Tulip a lot of time alone, so when she manages to get some, she spends it with you! She loves to try new makeup products on you or grooming your pokemon, but honestly even just being in the same room with you is enough. There is something about just... existing with you that makes her happy. You can both work on separate projects and it will still feel special. Tulip knows she isn’t around much, that’s why quality time together means so much to her
Grusha - Physical Touch
Grusha is someone that hates the cold. And do you know what you have? HEAT. And Grusha is not ashamed to steal that heat. When he isn’t using you as a human heater, Grusha still likes to just be in contact with you. He especially loves using his hands. Holding hands, stroking your face, running his fingers through your hair, all that good stuff. Words can be confusing and misconstrued, so why not ignore all that and just kiss? 
Rika - Words of Affirmation
Rika can be a bit of a tease, as she loves to push your buttons and poke fun. But this all comes from a place of love, and she never forgets to genuinely thank you for what you do. Thanking you for last nights dinner, thanking you for the flowers you got her, etc. She also adores complimenting you. Not just because she wants you to know how awesome you are, but also to see the blush on your face. It’s so cute how quickly you become a flustered mess around her. It’s one of the greatest pleasures in her life
Geeta - Words of Affirmation
Geeta thrives off of giving affirmation. Especially to her loved ones, like you! Before you got together she already complimented you on your battling skills, but once you were a couple she shifted into complimenting and acknowledging the little things about you. Your creativity with date ideas, your fashion sense, even your choice in air fresheners. She adores making you smile and always goes out of her way to express her gratitude as often as possible so you never forget
I thought this would be a fun first post on here, hope y’all like it!!
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hothotmiso · 6 months ago
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